The Blog/Diary of Novelist Sam Batterman

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What's going on?

Wow - it's been a busy two weeks since the books starting shipping. I've sent about a hundred and fifty influencer copies into the world (literally - some going to the Caribbean, Australia, Canada, etc.) and I hope to start seeing both reviews and "influence" on blogs, Facebook sites and even major Christian Fiction Review Sites.

The economics side of the book publishing process is very different from the solo-creative part that preceded it by over two years. It really is all about networking. Finding people who have a bazillion friends on Facebook and are willing to spread the word about your book, or finding that Reviewer that reaches thousands of people --- these are the people that can seriously impact book sales.

I'll keep you posted on reviews and such over the next two weeks or so as they start popping up, but hey, what about you? Will you write a review on Amazon for Wayback? Perhaps consider joining the Wayback Fan Site - it costs nothing - while you're at it, suggest it to your friends - again, totally free.

I had my first book signing at my church last Sunday night. I'm blessed in that my Senior Pastor, Scott Wendal, at is a big supporter. They are carrying it in their church bookstore.

Is yours carrying it? If not, drop me a line to find out how to remedy this:



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